Horse Handler or Side Walker
Horse handler or Side Walker

Volunteer position is applicable for Adults.
Location: Ongoing
Volunteer Category:
Animals, Children or Youth, Community Events, Faith-Based Services, Environment or Nature, Health and Wellness, Senior Services
Requirements or Special Skills: Must be able to walk in sand for 40 minutes at a time.
Volunteer Position Description: We have several different ways for you to volunteer.
Sidewalker: They walk next to the participants during the session.
Horse leaders: Horse leaders are at least 16 years old. They must have some horse experience.
Groomer/Tacker: These volunteers are responsible for assisting the team in grooming and tacking.
We also have a volunteer position to greet our participants and their families. Our volunteers need to be 16 years old and up.
Grace Therapeutic Riding
About Us/Our Mission: Our vision at Grace is Enriching lives through Equine-Assisted Services
GRACE mission:
Empowering people and horses to become who God created them to be and do His work.
Contact: Volunteer Coordinator
(641) 780-0379
Street Address: 804 195th Ave
City: Pella
Length of Volunteer Opportunity:
- Ongoing
Estimated Hours per Week: 2-4
- Weekdays
- Daytimes
Time of Year Volunteers are Needed: Year around
Background Check Required:
- Yes - Background Check Required