JUMP Mentor
JUMP mentor

Volunteer position is applicable for Adults.
Requirements or Special Skills: JUMP mentors are individuals, couples and families. Mentors must be out of high school and be willing and able to spend at least one hour per week with their mentee for a minimum of one year.
Volunteer Position Description: Mentor a child.
JUMP for Kids (Journey Up Mentoring of Pella)
About Us/Our Mission: JUMP for Kids is all about mentoring for children here in the Pella area.
With so much focus on the negative things going on in the world, people sometimes wonder what they can do to actually make a difference. Mentoring changes our world for the better! No, you can't help every person or every child, but you can make a life-changing difference for one child. Our mentors, who are individuals, couples and families, spend a minimum of an hour a week for at least a year with their mentee. The goal for their time together is to build a friendship which will provide encouragement, horizon broadening, support, guidance and fun for their mentee. It's not always easy, but it can be incredibly rewarding!
Contact: JUMP Director
(641) 919-1065
City: Pella
Length of Volunteer Opportunity:
- Ongoing
Estimated Hours per Week: 1+
Time of Year Volunteers are Needed: Year around
Background Check Required:
- Yes - Background Check Required