PACE logo, Pella IA

School Volunteer

School Volunteer
Volunteer position is applicable for adults.
Location: Ongoing
Volunteer Category:
Children or Youth
Requirements or Special Skills: Servant-hearted
Volunteer Position Description: We're currently looking for people who are willing to spend some time working with the teachers and students at Madison Elementary. Possible volunteer jobs include: -Help out in the library -Read with student -Supervise at recess -Eat lunch with students -Clerical work -1:1 academic assistance -Bus duty
Pella Community Schools - Madison Elementary
About Us/Our Mission: Welcome to the Pella Community School District! We look forward to serving your family and providing a quality educational experience for your child. Serving over 2,500 students in our recently constructed and remodeled buildings, PCSD takes great pride in its staff, academics, athletics and performing arts. It is our mission to maximize life's opportunities for every child.
Contact: Elementary School
(641) 628-3639
Street Address: 950 East University
City: Pella
Length of Volunteer Opportunity: Ongoing
Estimated Hours per Week: 1-20
    Time of Year Volunteers are Needed: School year
    Background Check Required: Yes
    Verified by MonsterInsights